Course Description

Learning to use PC-DMIS Level 2 extends the training from Level 1 to include advanced alignments, CAD usage, program control and dimensioning. This course also covers importing several CAD parts into PC-DMIS including the part to be measured, fixtures, and the CMM model.  The course curriculum includes a series of instructional videos and reference documents with quizzes at the end of each segment.  Our comprehensive online library of training video tutorials can be used as a quick product refresher or as a problem solving tool for measurement issues.

Grant S

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Learning to use PC-DMIS Level 2 Demo

  • 2

    Lesson 1- Auto Calibration

    • Outline

    • PCDMIS Level2 Introduction

    • Road Map (1)

    • Training manual pages 16-24

    • AutoCalibrate Probe

    • Road Map (2)

    • Lab 1- Pages 25-28

    • Road map (3)

    • Reference drawings pages 7-14

  • 3

    Lesson 2- Using CAD Models

    • Outline

    • Using CAD Models Part 1

    • Using CAD Models Part 2

    • Road map (1)

    • Training manual pages 30-42

    • Road map (2)

    • Labe 2- Using CAD Models pages 43-45

  • 4

    Lesson 3- Advanced Alignments

    • Outline

    • Advanced Alignments Part1

    • Road map (1)

    • Training Manual pages 48-55

    • Lab- Offset Alignments

    • Advanced Alignments Part 2

    • Road map (2)

    • Training manual pages 63-67

    • Lab- Iterative Alignment 1

    • Advanced Alignments Part 3

    • Road Map (3)

    • Training manual pages 73-77

    • Lab- Iterative Alignment 2 pages 78-88

    • Advanced Alignments Part 4

    • Road map (4)

    • Training manual pages 89-92

    • Lab 3- Iterative Alignment 3 pages 93-98

    • Advanced Alignments Part 5

    • Road map (5)

    • Training manual pages 99-101

    • Lab- Iterative Alignment 4 pages 102-106

    • Training manual pages 107-109

    • Lab- Iterative Alignment 5 pages 110-113

    • Training manual page 114

    • Advanced Alignments Part 6

    • Road map (6)

    • Training manual pages 115-123

    • Lab- Best Fit Alignments

    • Quiz –Advanced Alignments

  • 5

    Lesson 4- Advanced Dimensions

    • Outline

    • Advanced Dimensioning Part 1

    • Advanced Dimensioning Part 2

    • Lesson 4- Road Map

    • Training manual pages 136-153

    • Lab- Dimensioning pages 154-161

    • Quiz –Advanced Dimensioning

  • 6

    Lesson 5- Program Control

    • Outline

    • Program Control Part1

    • Program Control Part 2

    • Road map (1)

    • Training manual pages 164-184

    • Lab- Program Control pages 185-193

    • Quiz –Program Control

  • 7

    Lesson 6- Advanced Auto Features

    • Outline

    • Advanced Auto Features Part1

    • Advanced Auto Features Part 2

    • Advanced Auto Features Part 3

    • Road Map (1)

    • Training manual pages 196-215

    • Lab- Advanced Auto Features pages 216-226

    • Quiz –Advanced Auto Features

  • 8

    Lesson 7- TTP Scanning without a Model

    • Outline

    • TTP Scan No CAD Part1

    • TTP Scan No CAD Part 2

    • Road Map (1)

    • Training manual pages 16-27

    • Lab- TTP Scanning without a Model pages 28-32

    • Quiz –TTP Scanning Without CAD

  • 9

    Lesson 8- TTP Scanning with a Model

    • Outline

    • TTP Scan WithCAD Part1

    • TTP Scan WithCAD Part2

    • Road map (1)

    • Training manual pages 34-45

    • TTP Scanning with a model pages 46-56

    • Quiz –TTP Scanning with a Model

  • 10

    PC-DMIS 2014 Update

    • PC-DMIS 2014

    • PC-DMIS 2014 Changes


5 star rating

Thoroughly very well explained

Jagdeep Chakkal

Grant Sewell became my favorite instructor/ trainer for online courses from CMMXYZ. I had taken both in house and as well as online courses. I can say that I...

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Grant Sewell became my favorite instructor/ trainer for online courses from CMMXYZ. I had taken both in house and as well as online courses. I can say that I have gained way more knowledge from online vs in house course. I can recommend these courses to my friends and colleagues without any doubt from Grant @ CMMXYZ. Thanks a lot Grant

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  • $499.00

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  • $499.00

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